Final Ruminations

Today marks the final day of this blog and the final “official” day of this class. It’s definitely been quite an experience. Like many of the others, this was my first ever online class, and I wasn’t really sure what to expect. At first it was pretty stressful. The transition to managing time on my own and keeping track of all of my assignments was a little bumpy. I would try to do things ahead of time but end up forgetting to do a couple assignments until 11:30 pm on the day it was due. Sometimes I did almostĀ all the assignments at 11:30 on the day it was due! We often had a lot of work to do each week, and it could get a little overwhelming. The reading was dense, the discussion questions required deep analysis, and the sheer amount of information to take in made my head spin.

But let me be the first to tell you, it was all worth it.

The time management skills I’ve gotten are invaluable, especially as I prepare to head off to college in the fall. And I feel like I’m pretty prepared for this exam. There was a lot to do because it was a one semester AP class, but we’ve done it.

Wish us luck on our AP test on May 15! Thank you for reading. Mahalo Nui.

One comment

  1. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on how stressful your first online class was because you explained that you were not that great with time management at the start. I personally are terrible with time management, and I find it reassuring that there are other people out there who had trouble also. I just wanted to know how did your time management skills improved? And how has it helped you with all of your other work?


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